A History of Imperial Genocide, From Conrad to Lebensraum
Is the True Meaning of Colonial Genocide Too Close to Home?

History, War, and the Danger of Boredom
Martin de Bourmont on what it means to live in "interesting" times …

Saint-Simon’s Promise
The political writings of the philosopher Saint-Simon exhibit a remarkable prescience. Is this enough to call him a prophet?…

Remembering Without Resenting: History and Memory
Concluding a series on historical trauma and collective memory, Martin de Bourmont invites us to examine our own historical horizons...…

Remembrance: The Other Problem From Hell
With the legacy of genocide still looming large, Rwanda has turned to a traditional judicial method…

Censorship and Revolution: Memory as Liberation
Continuing his dissection of the dominant narratives of Kenyan independence, Martin de Bourmont turns to a revolution fought…

Censorship and Revolution: Memory as Prison
Decades later, Western narratives of Kenya's Mau Mau rebellion are in dire need of reassessment.…

Richard Millet and Racism
Martin de Bourmont discusses Richard Millet and the "dying breed" of the European Nationalist.…